Friday, December 29, 2006

Its that time again...

It's that time of the year....
New Years Resolutions (to probably be broken the first week of Jan.)
1. FINALLY get my house orginized...
2. Stop spending money.
3. Quit smoking. (yes I know I don't smoke. But this is definatly a resolution that I will keep!!)
4.Find Alyssa's lost Gameboy.
5.Spend less time on the computer.
6.Drink less soda.
7. Eat more cookies.
8. Try to actually write blogs that are funny.
9. Stop using the word "awesome" (ok that will NEVER happen)
10. Learn to say Coffee instead of Cawfee. (OK that will never happen either.)
Anyway, everyone have a Happy New Year!! I ignore this holiday for the most part. My favorite thing about it is being aboe to say to everyone "Wow I havn't talked to you since last year"
funny stuuf right there...
Good night and good weekend all!!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Things I need to remember....

I found this on the NAMI website. I am just coping and pasting it so I can remember some of these things, and maybe someone like me will stumble apon this and it will make them feel better...

My mom is home now, and told her landlord she is moving at the end of the lease so now she needs to find a new apartment. Just wonderful, That is gonna turn into my problem in a few months...

Coping Tips for Siblings and Adult Children of Persons with Mental Illness
If you find it difficult to come to terms with your sibling's or parent's mental illness, there are many others who share your difficulty. Most siblings and adult children of people with psychiatric disorders find that mental illness in a brother, sister, or parent is a tragic event that changes everyone's life in many basic ways. Strange, unpredictable behaviors in a loved one can be devastating, and your anxiety can be high as you struggle with each episode of illness and worry about the future. It seems impossible at first, but most siblings and adult children find that over time they do gain the knowledge and skills to cope with mental illness effectively. They do have strengths they never knew they had, and they can meet situations they never even anticipated.

A good start in learning to cope is to find out as much as possible about mental illness, both by reading and talking with other families. NAMI has books, pamphlets, fact sheets, and tapes available about different illnesses, treatments, and issues you may have to deal with, and you can join one of the 1,200 NAMI affiliate groups throughout the nation. (For other resources and contact information about your state and local NAMI affiliates, call the NAMI HelpLine at 1-800/950-6264.)

The following are some things to remember that should help you as you learn to live with mental illness in your family:

You cannot cure a mental disorder for a parent or sibling.

No one is to blame for the illness.

Mental disorders affect more than the person who is ill.

Despite your best efforts, your loved one's symptoms may get worse, or they may improve.

If you feel extreme resentment, you are giving too much.

It is as hard for the parent or sibling to accept the disorder as it is for other family members.

Acceptance of the disorder by all concerned may be helpful, but it is not necessary.

A delusion has little or nothing to do with reality, so it needs no discussion.

Separate the person from the disorder.

It is not OK for you to be neglected. You have emotional needs and wants, too.

The illness of a family member is nothing to be ashamed of. The reality is that you will likely encounter stigma from an apprehensive public.

You may have to revise your expectations of the ill person.

You may have to renegotiate your emotional relationship with the ill person.

Acknowledge the remarkable courage your sibling or parents may show when dealing with a mental disorder.

Generally, those closest in sibling order and gender become emotionally enmeshed while those further out become estranged.

Grief issues for siblings are about what you had and lost. For adult children, they are about what you never had.

After denial, sadness, and anger comes acceptance. The addition of understanding yields compassion.

It is absurd to believe you may correct a biological illness such as diabetes, schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder with talk, although addressing social complications may be helpful.

Symptoms may change over time while the underlying disorder remains.

You should request the diagnosis and its explanation from professionals.

Mental health professionals have varied degrees of competence.

You have a right to ensure your personal safety.

Strange behavior is a symptom of the disorder. Don't take it personally.

Don't be afraid to ask your sibling or parent if he or she is thinking about hurting him- or herself. Suicide is real.

Don't shoulder the whole responsibility for your mentally disordered relative yourself.

You are not a paid professional caseworker. Your role is to be a sibling or child, not a parent or caseworker.

The needs of the ill person do not necessarily always come first.

If you can't care for yourself, you can't care for another.

It is important to have boundaries and to set clear limits.

Just because a person has limited capabilities doesn't mean that you expect nothing of him or her.

It is natural to experience many and confusing emotions such as grief, guilt, fear, anger, sadness, hurt, confusion, and more. You, not the ill person, are responsible for your own feelings.

Inability to talk about your feelings may leave you stuck or "frozen."

You are not alone. Sharing your thoughts and feelings in a support group has been helpful and enlightening for many.

Eventually you may see the silver lining in the storm clouds: your own increased awareness, sensitivity, receptivity, compassion, and maturity. You may become less judgmental and self-centered, a better person.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

This week's Top 10 music!!

OK well, I meant to do this every Friday, but didn't make it last week. I was so busy with work, and cookies, and Christmas. I am glad the holidays are over. (yeah we still have new years, but I don't count that one)

Anyway, Here are the top 10 songs I like at this moment. It might change in 5 minutes.

10- "C'est La Vie" Robbie Neville (remember this 80's song?)

9-"It Ends tonight" All American Rejects

8-"Love Bites" Def Leppard

7-"Seven" Prince

6-"Rock this Town" The Stray Cats

5-"Vincent "Don Mclean

4-"Fly" Sugar Ray. I forgot how much I like them!!

3-"Wasted Time" The Eagles

2-"Crazy Bitch" BuckCherry

1-"Sometimes When we Touch" Dan Hill

I need someone to play with!!


I got all this awesome stuff in the house, but nobody who wants to play with me!

I have the Guitardo (guitar heroes game), but noone to play it with me. And the Kareoke, nobody to play, adults around, a Donkey Konga game, but i don't want to play all by myself.

Where do I find grownups that want to play silly stuff like me? The kids humor me, and we have fun, but it's not quite the same! They just get bored quick, or aggrivated if I win.

Shawn is always sleeping or working, and my other friends are being lamos....being my own best friend sucks...

Dave...where are you when I need you??

Oh wait, Dave doesn't read this... Jellacle? Chaders? Will you guys come play with me?

No? annoying!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Happy Chrismahanakwanzaka!!

Hey all!!

Hope everyone had an awesom-licious Christmas! Mine was pretty great. I just hung out at home all day. Jason said this was the best christmas ever. He was the first one up and said "Santa came! Santa came!" He was co cute. The night before he woke up and said "Mommy...santa didn't come :(" He was so sad!!

We spent waaay to much money as usual, but oh well, we will catch up eventually on those damn credit cards.

I got some great gifts this year. I guess Shawn was really trying to get back on my good side. I got the Guitar game I wanted for Playstation 2 and my IPod (yay!!)and some pretty glass nickknack (remember my gay joke? It's a nickknack pattywack give the frog a loan)things that the kids picked out. One was a dolphin and one was a butterfly. They are nice, I am just gonna get annoyed when someone, or some animal breaks them. Its hard for me to hold on to nice stuff. And Davey boy sent me a Wonderwoman Bank and T-shirt. And a Kareoke Country Playstaion game. Now I don't know if he was trying to be funny, but it really does have some good songs on it and I will like playing it!!LOL. It has one song one it."She thinks my Tracker is sexy" or something. That totally fits in for this area.

I even got Shawn some good gifts this year, even though I swore I wouldn't...LOL. I got him a 10 pack of some cheesey horror movies, a WWE Champions DVD thing, an electric Shaver, afew random video games, and a GIANT remote control. It really works and it is HUGE!! We are always running around the house searching for the remote...NO MORE!! Oh and I think his favorite was Voltron Season 1 and 2 on DVD.

The kids got tons of various toys, but Jason's favorite was the Sonic game for his Gameboy, and Alyssa said her favorite was the Littlest Pet Shop stuff I got her.

Christmas was so nice and relaxing this year!! So Merry Christmas to all and to all an awesome night!!

Sunday, December 24, 2006

Do you know me?

Create your own friendquiz here

Saturday, December 23, 2006

chatty boxy thingy

I have the chatty thingy too!!
Say hi to me!!

I crave attention....

Alyssa's rules

This is intersting
So I found a piece of paper that Alyssa wrote when I was cleaning the kitchen today.
Here is what it said...her exact words are in blue.
dog rules
1.never hit your dog.
2.never kick your dog
3.never posien your dog.
4.never give your dog peals
. (not sure what this one means)
5.never give your dog chalet.(I think this is chocolate)
6.never kill your dog.
7.never choke your dog in publek.(
glad she added the "in public" part.)
I don't really know what else to say about this, just thought it was funny enough to share. And just as a side note, she is very sweet to the dog. Maybe these are rules for her friends??

Friday, December 22, 2006

So the puppy has a Name!!

I have decided on Arnold.
I liked Peanut and Cujo and Killer. But Arnold just seems to fit. I can see myself saying."Here Arnold" "Roll Over Arnold" "KILL Arnold" You know, all those commands.
He is still not house trained and it has been a whole day....but I have bought some gates so I can block him in the kitchen until he learns.

Just got home from work. I am going to be working lunches instead of dinners now. I already like it better. Dinners are so hectic and insane and I get pissed about bad tips.

Lunch time is not so busy, and the checks are low, so tips seem ok...and people are in and out faster so you get more tables. I think I will start being a much happier person.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

What I got for Christmas....

Well, I guess it's what everyone got for Christmas...
That's right, it's a dog. He's so cute, he is a miniature pincher and we don't know what to name him. Maybe Arnold or Peanut or Chip. I don't know I cannot decide...
I don't really know how to house train him, or really anything about him, but he is cute, and I suppose we will learn.
Wish me luck....

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

What's with people?

So I am in this moms group.

I was in one in NJ that was awesome. We hung out often, had holiday parties , our kids played together. They where, and ARE great girls. I tried for 2 years to try to find the same kind of friendship down here. I looked in Yahoogroups, just where I found the NJ group, and found afew. Within afew months I had joined and left several groups, finally starting my own. But all of the groups down here have been the same. People are always gung-ho about going to an event, or making plans for things. And 9 times out of 10 everyone just cancels out, or just doesn't show up.

Like tonight there was a moms night out at Starbucks that I was looking forward too, but everyone canceled. I know, I know it is near the holidays, they might be busy with that, but this always happens.
And I must say that I have caught the same bad habit of not showing up to things. They don't care why should I?

But my point here is really a simple one. Why do people say they are coming and join a moms group, if they really don't want to come? How can something possibly come up EVERY TIME?

These days it doesn't bother really me too much anyway, cause I hang out with my neighbors and afew other close friends, but damn I really wanted to go to Starbucks!! I could go by myself I suppose, but it's a twenty minute drive and it seems sorta a waste of time for a over priced coffee! Can't wait in about a year there will be a brand new starbucks about 5 minutes away!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Yay, almost christmas!!

Well, I am feeling better today. I actually have felt better the last few days. I don't know if it has been talking to friends and wrting blogs to get things off my chest, or this AWESOME weather we are having!

The last few days it has been between 70 and 80 degrees. I f'ing LOVE it. I know alot of people that hate this kind of weather around christmas time, but I think it is great. I don't need gloves and heavy jackets slowing me down to have Christmas spirt. I think when the kids grow up I need to move even further south. Cold weather sucks ass, and sometimes it does get cold here.

So today is the last day of school until next year (I love telling the kids that, they think it is such a big deal.) and pretty soon I can use my yearly joke "Oh I havn't talked to you since last year!!" God, I am such a dork, but I can't help myself! Anyway... I will have the next 2 weeks to sleep in! That's the best part of school vacation. I miss sleep. Sleeping rules.

And I just can't wait for the kids to open their presents. Yay! That's my favorite part of Christmas now. Watching them get excited and opening their stuff. Idon't expect much this year, but I don't care. I just go buy things whenever I want them anyway, and I did just go get myself a cute little video camera.

Well, I have to get ready for work. I have the day off tomorrow and I think it is gonna be Cookie Day!! I make some kick ass cookies...oh yeah I do....

"time to make the cookies"

Monday, December 18, 2006

The date...June 1992...

So Jellicle, I found my yearbook around recently and I thought, since you make up half of my readers I would dedicate this blog to you. This is what you wrote in my yearbook the year we graduated....

Anna, Well, through it all we've been friends. Remember all the good times, all the bad. The fights, the tears. You are one of my oldest friends. I still remember stupid games we would play at Columbia Park. I'm glad I have you for a friend, I'm glad I never lost your friendship. Even if we lose touch, don't ever forget me, for I will never forget you. Love, Your Sister

P.S. I wrote this sitting on your trig book, fitting!

We have kinda lost touch, but I do still think of you as one of my best friends!! We did have a lot of good times! When my kids get older, I will definatly have more grown up time for catching up with old friends and visiting!! Hope you still remember in 10 more years so I can do that!!

Dishes update...

OK so Shawn did do the dishes yesterday morning. I almost died of shock. But I think he was just trying to get laid.

There was a whole new pile of dishes when I got home last night though, so I don't know where I stand on the situation.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

This is Shit.

This is the bullshit I come home to after working all night. Isn't it extra special how the cascade is sitting there right next too all the mess?Like it is taunting me or something...
Fucking Awesome....

How old do my kids have to be before I can expect them to do the dishes...and do them properly? I work again tomorrow morning, so I am gonna leave them this way tonight, and see what I come home to tomorrow. Do my 3 readers out there wanna take a vote on what the sink will look like tomorrow?

OK just as a side not... I hit spell check and it said there were NO MISSPELLINGS!! WTF??!! I am almost as good a speller as Alyssa now. Did I tell you, exercisetoday, that she has gotten 100% on EVERY spelling test this year!!

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Back to your regular scheduled Anna

A funny thing happened on the way to work...
OK, Now I thought this was the funniest thing ever, but when I tell the story, nobody else seems to feel the humor like I did. Maybe it was one of those "you had to be there" things, but I am gonna try to get a laugh out of someone anyway.

So I am driving to work and stop at a red light. I loook in my mirror and see a convertable right behind me with a guy and a girl. The guy is driving looking straight ahead, no expression, just staring. Next to him the girl is looking at him talking and talking and talking. CONSTANTLY talking. The guy doesn't even glance at her, he just has a look like "dear god why me" on his face.

So the light changes. I get to another red light and they are still behind me and she is still chatting away like alittle monkey. And he is still just looking straight ahead. I think I might of seen him say something to her this time. Looked like his mouth might of moved.

So the light changes and we get to the next red light. This time she is on her phone. Talking and talking and talking. I am not even exagerating. Her mouth NEVER stopped moving.

Now they are still behind me as we are driving down the road, and every now and then I glance in my mirrior and she's still talking. This poor guy. Is this his life? Constantly with this girl following him around talking and talking.

This is the conversation that was happening in my head as I watched them.

girl: "oh we are stopped at the red light, you are driving, you are a good driver lets go to the mall are you gonna buy me something my hair is brown you have nice eyes is that sonic up ahead when are we gonna get married."

guy: "uh-huh"

girl-"wow i like cheese do you like cheese people sometimes put cheese in between 2 slices of bread and grill it thats why they call it grilled cheese did you know that my dog had fleas I don't like fleas lets go get a steak."

guy"uhuhuh" ~~blank stare~~

Pieces of Anna...this is not funny...

**DISCLAIMER*** I wrote this blog after a long emational night at work, after 2 weeks of agrivation...proceed with caution****

OK so I should say that I usually try my hardest to look at the bright side. I am so thankful for my life and my kids and have no right to complain...really I believe that. I choose to be happy and ignore the crappy things in my life...but after the last few weeks I've had...I feel like I am falling apart.

So today I want to use this post to complain about things in my life that just made me cry for an hour today. I don't feel like I can really talk to anyone these days, so even if I just post this and nobody reads it, or comments, I won't care. At least I get it off my chest and I will be able to get some sleep! I do have some good friends in my life, but they are divided into 2 groups...

People I would tell my problems too, and they would play the "Well let me tell you how much worse my life is" game.

And then the people I could talk to about my problems, and they would honestly care, but I don't feel like I could burden them with my shit, they have enough shit of their own to worry about.

And maybe I am afraid to talk to anyone, cause it would break my heart if they really did just blow me off and not have time for me. I would rather talk to the unknown people on the internet.

I am depressed...really...with a capitol D..(and maybe even a capitol E and P). I am so so tired of giving everything I've got, until I've got nothing left to give, and feeling like I am still expected to do more. My mother has been in the hospital for a week now, and those of you who know me, really know me, knows what that means. She's in the "closed unit" where we go when we have a mental breakdown. Apperantly she was outside her apartment threatning people with a knife...I don't really know the whole story, nor do I really give a shit anymore. (Is nor a word?)

Things just NEVER change. She takes her "ok" for awhile(which really, in normal people terms is still NOT ok)...then stops taking them, and back in the hospital. What's the point? I feel bad for her cause she is sick, and it's not her fault, but on the other hand I just CAN'T deal with it anymore. She expects me to do more and more and more for her. And what I do is NEVER right, and NEVER enough. It is so hard that I give so much of my time and emotional energy to her and I get 0% of postive energy from her. I get no joy out of my relationship with her. I am not even exagerating....I give her all I've got, and get nothing I need in return from her. What I wouldn't give to have a normal mom, or brother or sister, I could call and talk about these things with. The best part is I don't think she is going to have an apartment to go back to when she gets out. I have made it as clear as I can to who ever I speak to. She can NEVER live with me. My kids will not grow up the way I did. NO FUCKIN WAY!!! It just sucks, and I feel awful for feeling this way, but I can't do it anymore. So what do I do?

Then there is work, it's also sucking. I swear if an asshole or bad tipper is in the restaurant, they are putting them in my section. I have had made barly 10% on most of my tables all this month. Maybe I am bringing this bad karma with me to work, but I can't be any nicer to people, I really can't.

And now when I leave for work I am feeling bad. Alyssa and Jason don't want me to go. Shawn doesn't pay any attention to them, and I think when he does all he does is yell at them. Jason told me that "Daddy is mean" and I tell Shawn he yells at them too much and he doesn't care. He fights with Alyssa and tells her she's a brat...SHE IS NOT A BRAT. She is alittle girl who wants some attention from her daddy. Does he really want his kids growing up to hate him? Cause that's what's gonna happen.
Hopefully to stop this shit, I am gonna start working lunches. Maybe if I am home at night we can just all ignore grumpyass and that will be one problem solved. (or one problem successfully ignored)

I want to be a good daughter...but I don't have any more to give, and a big part of me doesn't care anymore.

I want to be a good mom...but I feel like the worst one ever when I leave them and go to work.

I want to be a good friend...but good deeds for me when I need help are few and far between.

I want to be a good wife...but I have a husband that doesn't seem to give a shit about anything.

I want to be a good employee...but it's hard to remember to bring the asshole at table 3 his tarter sauce when I am worried about everything else.

So what do I do? Maybe life isn't supppose to be perfect, but can't it just be easy for awhile?

Friday, December 15, 2006

me laying the smack down...

It's another blog post!!

I have found myself some time with not much to do. Jay just got home from school, and he is cuddled up asleep on the couch with his Burger King bag. He's so darn cute. He never takes a nap, he must be coming down from his sugar high at his school's little Christmas party.

I really don't have much to blog about...I originally enjoyed writing blogs and talking about funny stuff, but lately I am just out of things to say. I need a subject, any subject, and I will write a blog about it.

Give me an idea...anyone that might be reading this.

For now I will just do a Top 10. How about the top 10 songs I like at this moment...That's always fun.

10."For No one" The Beatles
Never heard this song until recently. I have become a big Beatles fan this year, Thanks to pretend Internet boyfriends. Gotta love pretend ones...they give you so much less trouble then real boyfriends (or husbands).

9."Carol of the Bells" Trans-Siberian Orchestra (Or Manheim Steamroller?? not sure what they are really called, since I just started liking them too)Had to throw a Christmas song in! This song almost makes me think I could actually start liking classical music, which I have NEVER had any interest in before.

8."Take a Chance on Me" Abba or Erasure, I like both versions. I rediscovered this song, I forgot how much I liked it...I know I am a dork...

7."High school never ends" Bowling for Soup. I think that's the name of the song. Wonder how they came up with their band name.

6."Fergilicious" Fergie. I don't know why...don't ask....

5."Lips of an Angel" Hinder. Nothing much to say, I just like it!

4."All These Things That I Have Done" The Killers. I really like these guys!

3."RockStar" Nickleback. I so wanna be a big rock star, livin in a tour bus, driving 15 cars!!
Now is Nickleback spelt like that or Nickel?

2."Sweet Caroline" Neil Diamond. Yeah why not?? What's wrong with Neil? It coulda been worse I coulda picked a Carpenters song.

1."12 Pains Of Christmas" Bob Rivers. This is the greatest Christmas song ever!!

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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Just in time for Christmas...

Anna is back with another blog.

Why am I doing it you may ask? I do post lots of stuff on my space, but I do have some anti-myspace friends that may also like to participate in my antics.

Today I am off to work, so look forward to more from me in the days to come!!

Visit me here too!