Thursday, February 01, 2007

Most depressing day ever.....

Oh my god, I had something happen to day that just bummed me out for the rest of the day. It was so sad, I really almost cried at work.

Now it had nothing to do with me. There was this old guy who came in to eat and he said he was waiting for 2 other ladies to join him. Whatever it wasn't my table, I didn't care. So later on in the day, he was still sitting there waiting and one of the servers started talking to me about how annoying he was being. And I just said, "Oh he's still waiting for his friends" And the other waitress said "Oh he comes in here all the time and says he is waiting for his date, nobody ever shows up"

It just broke my heart. That poor guy, all alone...waiting for people that are never coming. I tried to walk by and smile at him, I thought I could try to sit down and talk to him for awhile, but he just gave me a mad look, so I didn't want to say anything. He just seemed like a grumpy old man, and all the other servers said he was rude and didn't tip, but I still felt so bad for him. It really broke my heart to see him sitting there by himself, and to think he does it ALL THE TIME. Seriously...I almost cried....

If I ever wait on him, I am gonna try to breach that grumpy barrier and see if he wants to talk to me for awhile.

I don't know if the real reason it makes me so sad is cause I worry about him, or I worry about myself being old someday and ending up all alone... I'ld hate to think my sensitive sad feelings are all selfish based, but I'm sure it has something to do with it. Why would a care so much about a complete stranger??

Oh well, that's my story of the day, I hope my 3 readers enjoy it!


At Saturday, February 3, 2007 at 9:26:00 PM GMT-5 , Blogger ExerciserTODAY said...

It is sad. I actually saw something sadder though(well maybe) when I went to scout out assisted living centers for my grandmother.
This woman was walking by me and the woman who gave me the tour, and the tour woman stopped her, and said, "oh, where are you going?" and the woman said "to have lunch" and the tour woman said "you already ate lunch." this other woman said "oh, I did? well that's good to know"
she couldn't even tell if she ate or not. Thats how bad her memory was.
I decided that if my memory or mind ever has to go like that (which I pray it doesn't) that it goes all at once, and I never know. I don't want it to go slow, and know its happening.


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