Saturday, August 28, 2010

Top 10 things I am looking for in a guy...

I have been doing some dating lately, and I am a confused mess. So I have decided to sit down and try to figure out what I need...what I want...and what I deserve...

10.I want a tough guy, who has a soft side. Someone that is alittle sensitive...but not so much that he acts like little girl.

9.Let me know you care about me...have TIME for me...Do little things to SURPRISE, little notes, anything cute like that...

8.Cute...yeah, looks are not suppose to matter...but I need to have that attraction. I want to be able to smile when I see your cute face smiling at me.

7.Knows how to enjoy life, and doesn't spend his life worrying...especially about things we have no control over.

6.Spontaneous..I need someone that will do things at a moments notice. Someone that doesn't think it's weird to go to the beach at 10pm...just because...

5.Someone that takes care of them self. I am not looking for Mr. America, but I can't be with someone that is fat and sloppy.

4.Be able to support your self...Not support ME, I take care of my shit...BUT be able to take care of yourself. I have 2 kids, I do not need a third.

3.Someone with Opinions...any opinions... What do you want to eat? Where do you want to go?? What do you think I should do about this situation??? Any answer (besides "I don't know, what do you want to do") will work. Just show me you have a brain...and it functions.

2.Treat my kids right. Understand that my kids are always gonna be number 1, and that me and them are a package deal.

1.Sense of Humor...hands down...number 1, I need someone that makes me laugh. Not only make me laugh, but has the same weird crazy sense of humor I have.

Friday, August 20, 2010

What the french, toast??

My little baby... is starting middle school in 3 days... how can this be right....if she is 11...that makes me 11 years older then I was before she was born. Logical...yes...but I swear I was JUST in the hospital having her!! I am not that old...seriously, I just celebrated the 8th anniversary of my 28th birthday...

And now she is asking me for cell phones, and hair highlights, and giggling about boys and vampires. It's just not right...Not right I say!!

She's not even nervous. I am more nervous then she is. She really grew up this summer...and I am proud of her!!!

Oh how she would be plotting her revenge if she new I was posting these pictures...


AND NOW......

Thursday, August 19, 2010

4:11 am

So why am I awake at 4:11 am?? I have no idea...haha...

So I can't mind keeps thinking...about so many things. I wonder where my life is going...where it's been...and if I am in the place I am suppose to be right now. So tonight I drove around, and looked at the stars, and tried to make sense of things...

But...things don't always have to make sense I guess.

I've made ALOT of mistakes...more then I would like to admit too... and I am trying hard not to fuck things up. Someone or something needs to send me a sign, and let me know that everything is gonna be ok.

4:22am?? I'm going to crash....


Life is Good....

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

3 years later

Does ANYONE I know still read this blog...

I forgot it even existed!! I am so surprised that the Internet gods did not decide to delete this or that it did not vanish into some Internet black hole!! I actually enjoyed writing here back then and I honestly have no clue why I stopped.

So, as I was reading some of the things I wrote 3 years ago, I realized that I am a MUCH happier person today. Shawn and I have split up, and being a single mom is hard, but totally worth it. I love my kids, I love my friends, I love looking up at the sky and seeing a shooting star.

Shitty things happen, but it's all about attitude. The universe gives you what you put out there.... Grumpy people have shitty lives... Happy people have incredible lives! It's not about what you DON'T's about what you DO have. I'm as broke as the glass I threw against the wall (don't ask why I did that, it just felt fucking good!) but I am happier then I have ever been. And when it all comes down to it....that's all that matters. Judge me all you want for my messy house, for the way I raise my kids, for the things I do the "WRONG" way. But while you are judging...take 47 seconds to take a look at your OWN lives!!

Anyway... LIFE IS GOOD!!!

Suck on that, bitches!!